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My Reading Life

Bookseller at Barnes & Noble, Humanities student at NAU, mother of 2, artist, animal lover, voracious reader and lover of all things literary, introvert, believer in magic

Currently reading

Science In Context: Readings In The Sociology Of Science
Barry Barnes, David Edge
The Apothecary
Maile Meloy
The Key & the Flame
Claire M. Caterer
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar
Cheryl Strayed
Beautiful Creatures
Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia
Pride and Prejudice
Margaret Drabble, Eloisa James, Jane Austen
Progress: 60/379 pages

Burn This Book: PEN Writers Speak Out on the Power of the Word

Burn This Book: PEN Writers Speak Out on the Power of the Word - Toni Morrison I would actually give this book 3 1/2 stars.Censorship is dangerous. Censorship is discriminatory. Censorship sucks!The essays contained within this slight edition are thought-provoking. Plus, I love reading about writers' writing lives. I think writing is magic, especially when an author does it well.There should have been more women writers represented, though. Come on, Ms. Morrison!I'll end the review with a quote that I find inspiring:"Whatever the country, freedom of thought and expression are universal human rights. These freedoms, which modern people long for as much as bread and water, should never be limited by using nationalist sentiment, moral sensitivities, or - worst of all - business or military interests."-Orhan Pamuk