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My Reading Life

Bookseller at Barnes & Noble, Humanities student at NAU, mother of 2, artist, animal lover, voracious reader and lover of all things literary, introvert, believer in magic

Currently reading

Science In Context: Readings In The Sociology Of Science
Barry Barnes, David Edge
The Apothecary
Maile Meloy
The Key & the Flame
Claire M. Caterer
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar
Cheryl Strayed
Beautiful Creatures
Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia
Pride and Prejudice
Margaret Drabble, Eloisa James, Jane Austen
Progress: 60/379 pages

The Saffron Kitchen

The Saffron Kitchen - Yasmin Crowther This book focuses on a family with ties to England and Iran. There are essentially two stories being told, one of a mother's life in Iran and her daughter's life in England. I found the stories themselves intriguing and the description of Iran and its' customs fascinating. I believe all Americans should read about different cultures, especially those that are in the news at this time in history. There is so much we do not understand, and putting a face on the people we hear about is one step toward understanding. This is a good book not only for the story, but for the little bit of history and culture of the Iranian people.